Page name: Anthro Angels [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-11 13:09:50
Last author: raynesprite
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 6
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A friendly paw for those in need of help

(This page is a Safe Zone)

This is a wiki group designed by me, Wes Foxx, for two things:
1.) People who have characters that are both angelic and anthro (furry)
2.) Those who just like to be helpful and generally kind to others.

The purpose of the group can be summed up rather well in its motto:
"To Guide And To Guard"


Feel free to use this banner for now, it will be colored and un-lined fairly soon)


use this its pre-resized, just remove the *s: <*IMG450:*>

This is a group for people who are helpful, courteous, respectful, tolerant, and otherwise helpful. The possibilities are various: We can establish a group for new members to get advice and help from to help take a load off of the shoulders of elftown workers, help others who are struggling and in search of a helping paw, and possibly most importantly a group who are willing to listen and help them with their problems (within reason of course. And no, we can't save you money on car insurance
If your interrested, feel free to sign up whenever you want. Please, as always, add your name to the bottom of the list, and keep your descriptions to a reasonable limit. 3 lines is walking the line, but 4 is just plain too much =P if you have that much to say about yourself, give a link to a different wiki page.

1. [Wes Foxx] - Founder and self-designated councelor/confessional/advisor. Extremely devoted to helping others whenever he can.
2.[l SuBLiMe l]- I might not be able to make your decisions, but i can help guide them
3. [Katori PureHeart] for those that don't know me, i'll help as much as i can, promise.
4. [Duhe Rahn] I am the panther that you seek from the shadows to help the light.
5. [Insaniac Yoshie] I'll help and give advise where I can, comfort if I can't.
6. [Zab] If I can help I will help.
7. [sanke]
8. [Archeress of Mirkwood] I am the tiger angel the is a light when there is only darkness around you.
9. [Tiger Shark] I am not afraid to fight for what is true and right, not with force, but with common sense and a clever tounge.
The actual 5. [Tyr and Zao Hawk]- I help to see you smile, not to hear your thanks. My life is yours *kneels down* to give or take as you please. So long as you promise me you'll smile...

People looking for help can add their name to the help list (the list BELOW this line) and give us a brief description of the kind of problem you need help with.
1. [Insaniac Yoshie] Hmm... where to begin? Kinda a day to day thing, but theres always something...

You can always just message us if you don't want to publically post your problemb

Username (or number or email):


2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: ah, I've had odder

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Every day of my life... *nods* sad, but true. You ever gone from rat poisoning to the proper position in which your supposed to stand to skin your cat just right, so that when you're done it looks just like Tom Hanks without a Hitler Moustache? I did... it's umm... rather hard to follow most of the time...

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: Interesting. you know who [ArchangelGabriel] is?

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Never heard of them in my life. Should I have?

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: he's a great person, part of philosophers wanted, and the person I'm dating.

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Hmm... sounds interesting. *shrugs* i'll check out his page at least...

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: Check out both our pages and the pictures will tell why this relation is odd by normal standards

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: I doubt that... *shrugs* it would depend on your definition of normal but still... i doubt it...

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: I mean by correct "political and regilous standards" personal I say screw religion, love is love.

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: eh, ya. who cares really? Just one favor, don't let me see. No offense, it's just... ya. I'm ok with it, as long as i don't have to see it. Sorry again, no offense meant.

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: lol, kk. just implying

2005-10-15 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: yes yes... heh... sometimes i hate being polite -_-. all well... i gtg now. cya whenever! nice talkin' to ya. have fun. but not too much... too much'll kill ya... unless you do it while high on fresh mountain air... then it seems to be natural o.o... i do it all the time... night!

2005-10-15 [Duhe Rahn]: Huh? You lost me among that. Goodnight anyways.

2005-10-17 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ^_^ then don't worry about it

2005-10-17 [Tiger Shark]: mmrrrrrrow?

2005-10-17 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: heh ^_^

2005-10-17 [Duhe Rahn]: nice entrance TS

2005-10-18 [Tiger Shark]: ^^ I try

2005-10-18 [Duhe Rahn]: Lol

2005-10-18 [Tiger Shark]: *looks around* slow crowd today eh?

2005-10-18 [Duhe Rahn]: yups

2005-10-18 [Tiger Shark]: hmm, always happens when I'm around, lol

2005-10-18 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i think it's slow everyday... that i'm here o.o

2005-10-18 [Tiger Shark]: *hugs* but you're loved so heck with it

2005-10-18 [Duhe Rahn]: *rolly polly eyes*

2005-10-18 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts head* er?

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: nothing

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head the other way*

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: *tilts your head upright* Nope, doesn't work. *flips you upsidedown*

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: *looks up at the floor*.....

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: *sits cross-legged infornot of you* How's that working for you?

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: *blinks and shrugs* it's different, I can tell ya that

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: How can you shrug upsidedown?

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: easily ^^

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: Strange

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: you should try it sometime

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: maybe i will

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: well maybe you won't =P

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: *sits on your feet and looks down at your face* Hi

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: eek! *falls up toward the ceiling*

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: Ow, you're walkingon me!

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: no I'm not << >>

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: Yes you are! I was sitting on your feat!

2005-10-19 [Tiger Shark]: well it's your fault for sitting on m'feet now, isn't it? lol

2005-10-19 [Duhe Rahn]: It was your fault for staying upsidedown!

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: your fault for putting me upside down in the first place XP

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: Your fault for... Being you!

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: yay I'm special ^^

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: Lol, I like comics! Shounen-ai!

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: lol

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: You like shounen-ai too?

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: never heard of

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: well me and [ArchangelGabriel] have a shounen-ai relationship, so that should explain what it is.

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: nope, not at all ^^ (Tiger's Sketches--not quite remotely finished, but yeah)

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: look at both our houses TS, and I'll give you a hint: I'm dating that particular member

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: I knew that, I just still have no idea what you mean by shounen-ai

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: shounen-ai would be the sort of relation I have with Brian

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: ach wie...

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: If you still don't get it then I give up

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: *shrugs* if the idea I have is wrong then I give up

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: what's your idea then?

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: you two are going out, that's all I've got

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: we're both guys that love each other, that's the base of shounen-ai. make more sense now?

2005-10-20 [Tiger Shark]: yep, I got it ^^

2005-10-20 [Duhe Rahn]: Ok, good.

2005-10-21 [Tiger Shark]: so, how's life?

2005-10-21 [Duhe Rahn]: It's pretty good, little frustrating, but pretty good.

2005-10-21 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: isn't that the basic description of life in general? hmm... or was that the opposite of the general... well let's see... most people seem to find life frsustrating, and difficult... or good but frustrating... hmm... i guess i'm just being pointless again...

2005-10-21 [Duhe Rahn]: yes you are, but go on

2005-10-21 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: o.o... why?

2005-10-21 [Duhe Rahn]: cause I'm bored!

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: huh... sorry

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: nah, just a little over thinking

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: kks

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: that's dangerous, doncha know?

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: it could be

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: in my expiriences anyway O.o

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ya, me too most of the time

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: mmhmm..

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: *noddles*

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: taste good..

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: they sure does...

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: mmm ramen ^^

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i LOVE ramen...

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: meh too ^^

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: it's gooooooood eatin...

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: ^^ not the best tasting thing out there *cough*

2005-10-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: sure it is o.o...

2005-10-22 [Tiger Shark]: like steak ^^

2005-10-26 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: steaks good, but i still prefer ramen...

2005-10-26 [Duhe Rahn]: I've never had ramen

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: to...steak?? RAMEN?!?!?? what kind of blasted herracy it that???

2005-10-27 [Duhe Rahn]: I hate steak, I've never had ramen before though

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: people are crazed...*can't live without her delicious medium rare hunk of beef*

2005-10-27 [Duhe Rahn]: I'm Canadian from a place with alot of ranching and stuff, I'm tired of beef!

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: impossible in my mind ^^

2005-10-27 [Duhe Rahn]: Not in mine TS, and I like the new sketch of the deer zebra thing

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: thanks ^^ I have another one to upload that's funny, but I don't really feel like it at the moment..

2005-10-27 [Duhe Rahn]: Lol, sounds about right. I finally updated my story again today

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: yes! more reading!

2005-10-27 [Duhe Rahn]: I need to finish up to the third chapter's dream at least!

2005-10-27 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Ramen's good... noodles... and noodles... and more noodles... with flavoring... mm... artificial flavoring... until i can get soem real ramen...

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: ...I guess that's your favorite food then?

2005-10-27 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: well... i like it alot... and eat it everyday... but i'm not sure... i love chinese rice... and teriyaki chicken...

2005-10-27 [Tiger Shark]: I like real Thai food...yum...

2005-10-28 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: not sure i've ever even seen that... but ok...

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: it's amazing and I think you'd like it ^^ only it's really spicey a lot of the time..

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: o.O *dislikes spicey hot things, they burn*

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: aww, *sad floppy kitten ears*

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i'm sorry... i just, don't... *hugs* but maybe i'll learn to like it *nods* or at least try, so please be happy

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: ^_^ no prob, some people can't handle it, and son't worry, you can get things that aren't spicey

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: kks

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: it's yummy..

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ^_^ i trust you

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: lol *pours tea for a cockroach*

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Newton! Oh i'm such a huge fan...

2005-10-30 [Tiger Shark]: ^^ yes indeed! sir Issac Newton has indeed returned from his journey to Africa

2005-10-30 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: awesome...

2005-11-02 [speeedy]: i wont mind doing this

2005-11-02 [Tiger Shark]: yeah it's fun

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: hope you dont mind but I just made a badge for you guys...I dont know why but my muse just sorta compelled me to do so..I love angels ^__^

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: not that the badges here arent absolutely BEAUTIFUL! specially tigersharks :3 I draw randomly thats why I cant usually do requests, commisions, or art trades...most of the stuff I draw is unintentional X_x

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: and it only took me 15 min to sketch XD so its not really a big deal or anything but it might take a while to load cause my computer is a peice of junk ^^"

2006-02-11 [Wes Foxx]: It'll be muchly appreciated, Rayne =)

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: its a white wolf with one of her wings wrapped around the earth protectively

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: or maybe its a fox.....XD

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: *having an identity crisis* @____@

2006-02-11 [Wes Foxx]: Foxwolf =D *nametag*

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: oh a folf woot....or a wolx XD

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: ACK!

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: hands are shakey ^^"

2006-02-11 [Wes Foxx]: Oo lots of lil, tiny messages :P

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: I know...>.> maybe its because I spend so much time on MSN IM ^^"

2006-02-11 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: o.o... people!

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: ...hey I think Ill computer color the pic instead of shading it with might take a while longer kay?

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: <img450*0:> hows this?

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: it needs to be re-sized when used tho >.> cause I uploaded it to photobucket ^^"

2006-02-11 [raynesprite]: its at 450 right now

2006-02-12 [Wes Foxx]: O.o nice

2006-02-12 [raynesprite]: ^^" thanks

2006-02-12 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: o.o... wow....

2006-02-12 [raynesprite]: thanx ^_^

2006-02-12 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: rayne, once again... i am totally and completely amazed by your practically unmatched skills in images... *stares, gaping a bit*

2006-02-12 [raynesprite]: with these sort of compliments its hard to be humble lol *blushes* -^___^-

2006-02-13 [Wes Foxx]: okay now, I feel unrecognized x3 check out meh house page or Wes's Pics for more. <img:stuff/Atara3House.jpg>

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: too bad most wont load on my comp >.< sorry wes. But i'm sure you're really good ^_^... and don't worry rayne... it's ok not to be humble sometimes. Especially when you're THAT good.

2006-02-13 [raynesprite]: ehehe ^-^" whatever

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i'm serious! most people i know just wish they could do that well. *nods* but you can and that's great ^_^

2006-02-13 [raynesprite]: thanks I really appriciate that -^_^-

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: anytime ^-^ just so long as you know.

2006-02-13 [raynesprite]: I said it wasnt a big deal and you guys made a big deal about it...and pay attention to wes lol cause your right his art is the bomb....XD

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: but it wont load on my comp so i cant really tell -_-... stupid comp *hits*

2006-02-13 [raynesprite]: well it is anyway

2006-02-13 [raynesprite]: lol

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: oki, i'll take your word for it

2006-02-13 [Tiger Shark]: << >> can I propose a coloring contest for my badge? I think it needs color, and I'm afraid of butchering it. It would advertise this wiki...

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: it'd be awesome! and i'd love to if i had a good printer, scanner, and the colors i wish i had >.<... damn... all well... but ya ^_^ sounds great *huggles* and you're art is amazing too TS

2006-02-13 [Tiger Shark]: *shrugs* anyway, if people would help me set that up, since I hardly have time on the comp now adays >.<

2006-02-13 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: aww... =( not even a thank you... *will try to help set up, the best he can*

2006-02-13 [Tiger Shark]: *tackle-hugs* tank ya ^-^

2006-02-14 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: anytime ^_^

2006-02-14 [raynesprite]: whee i just finished my second art request :3

2006-02-14 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: awesome!

2006-02-15 [Tiger Shark]: I just finished all my back work in Chemistry!! *joyous dancing*

2006-02-15 [raynesprite]: *joins* ^-^

2006-02-15 [Tiger Shark]: *dances around the room with Rayne* ^__^

2006-02-15 [raynesprite]: *titches her big ears* :3

2006-02-15 [Tiger Shark]: ~^-^~

2006-02-15 [raynesprite]: lol its been fun but its like 12 am here already and I have to get some sleep nighty night all

2006-02-15 [Tiger Shark]: night rayne ^_^ see ya later

2006-02-15 [Duhe Rahn]: how come no one liikes to stay up so late that it's early?

2006-02-15 [raynesprite]: I do but i have things I have to do early in the morning

2006-02-15 [Duhe Rahn]: ah, I didn't know that

2006-02-16 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i would, but my parents kill me if i try... heh -_-

2006-02-20 [Tiger Shark]: mine as well >.< I don't have school all this week, but I have swim practices each morning....gah..

2006-02-20 [raynesprite]: that sux

2006-02-20 [Tiger Shark]: heck yeah

2006-02-20 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ya *hugs TS*

2006-02-21 [Tiger Shark]: yay hugs *hugs back*

2006-02-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ^_^ heh... ya

2006-02-22 [Tiger Shark]: lol ^_^

2006-02-22 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ^_^ yuppity yup bup up pup

2006-02-22 [Tiger Shark]: pup? *barks*

2006-02-22 [raynesprite]: O___O" lol I have to admit Ive never heard a tiger or a shark bark :3

2006-02-23 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: well they do o.O... obviously...

2006-02-23 [raynesprite]: lol

2006-02-23 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: ^-^... i mean come on... >.> <.<...

2006-02-24 [Wes Foxx]: Odd O.o I'm the founder of Anthro Angels, but half my art with wings is angelic; the other half is like this :P <img:stuff/Wes%27sDemon.jpg>

2006-02-24 [raynesprite]: shweet :3 RED XD *goes all creepy w/ fangs* red is my favorite color >D

2006-02-25 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: heh, very nice.

2006-02-25 [raynesprite]: O_< *twitches* eh?....sry bout that ^^" *fluffs her floofy white wings*

2006-02-25 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: *chuckles* it's no problem... *shrugs*

2006-02-26 [Tiger Shark]: O.o who says angels can't look like that?

2006-02-26 [raynesprite]: fallen angels maybe :p

2006-02-27 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: nah... if you think about it it's always possible. *nods* why a year or two ago i had a run in with a few angels who... o.O... wait... nevermind. my dreams arent reality >.> <.<

2006-02-27 [raynesprite]: lol ^^"

2006-02-27 [raynesprite]: doh >.<" nobody is using my badge *dies* x_____________x whats the point of making a badge if no one is going to use it?????

2006-02-27 [Wes Foxx]: No one uses any badges much anymore, especially not after the badge-house-lmit thing.

2006-02-27 [raynesprite]: yeah >.< because of that I cant feature my whole gallery on my house I have to put it up on a seperate page and its really annoying ^^" darn house limitations XD I should donate just to get rid of them

2006-02-28 [Tyr and Zao Hawk]: heh XD sorry... i dont have a badge for this place o.O... i'm a bit too lazy >.<

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